
 Among the most important and unique projects JSC "Tatelektromontazh" lately, we can distinguish:

  • ♦ Московский метрополитен
  • ♦ The BSA "Luzhniki";
  • ♦ нефтеперерабатывающий завод «TANECO» , г. Нижнекамск;
  • JSC "Ammonium"., Mendeleyevsk town;
  • ♦ОАО «ТАИФ-НК», кthe development of deep processing of heavy residues (HRCC at);
  • ♦ казанский метрополитен;
  • ♦ металлургический завод, г. Выкса;
  • ♦ особая экономическая зона Алабуга - ряд производств, в т.ч. Северстальавто, Соллерс, Стекловолокно;
  • ♦ новые производства на заводах Оргсинтез в г. Казани и Нижнекамскнефтехим в г. Нижнекамске;
  • ♦ подсветка улицы Тверской г. Москвы.



 Over the last 20 years the TANECO complex became the first in the history of the country major project in the field of petrochemistry and oil refining, implemented from scratch. His incarnation brought the world's most advanced technical solutions and equipment. JSC "Tatelektromontazh" working on the project since 2008. The amount disbursed during this period, approaches 9 billion. The project required a maximum concentration of human, financial and technical resources. The number of employees exceeds 600 people. At the site were involved in start-up and seven Assembly departments, the capacity of the two plants producing steel structures, shields, and lamps.

Teams of electricians were equipped with modern tools and means of mechanization, and regulators – with the latest devices, machines, a was and high-voltage laboratory. Thanks to the coordinated activities of all services and efficient organization of work in the shortest possible time and with high quality was resolved a huge range of tasks. The work was performed for the construction and installation of power supply 110 and 220 kV; laid more than 110 kilometres of cables 110 and 220 kV and 210 mounted couplers 110 and 220 kV, installed 28 kilometres of fibre-optic cables.

Two of the main secondary substations (GLP-1 and GLP-4) were installed complex equipment and commissioning works were performed, which allowed to apply a constant voltage to the construction site. A huge amount of work done on the distribution networks complex: mounted 16 and 20 established distribution and transformer substations, factories JSC "Tatelektromontazh" it was manufactured and installed more than 30 thousand cable tray, laid over 143 kilometers of cables 6 kV, 800 km of power and control cables of 0.4 kV and more. 29 Nov 2011 the oil refinery complex was commissioned.


 In 2011 JSC "Tatelektromontazh" was entrusted to the architectural lighting of the houses on Tverskaya street in Moscow. "Tatelektromontazh", having a wide experience in the field of installation of lighting fixtures, won a good reputation even on the Republican scale. At the time, thanks to the skill of specialists has created a unique light pattern Kazan: sparkle lights of the railway station building, the walls of the Kazan Kremlin, Astrakhan Kremlin, the Cathedral of Peter and Paul, the Conservatory, Victory Park, etc. a Special difficulty of the Moscow project was that the coverage of phase I of the streets of Tver was allocated only three months on the lighting of the famous house number 13 - city Hall of Moscow - in three days! But these, at first glance, unrealistic deadlines, was sustained. One of the Central streets of Moscow there are many buildings of artistic and historical value. Projecting structure and the decorative parts of buildings with playful chiaroscuro that gives a General view of Tver originality. In the future, Tver and Leningrad prospectus must result in a whole artistic concept.



Lately, we have mastered the new technology:

  • ♦кабельные линии 110,220 кВ с применением кабелей с изоляцией из сшитого полиэтилена с механизированной прокладкой с использованием кабельных лебедок Jakob Thaler с усилием 10 т, устройств подталкивающих типа «Cable Dog»;
  • ♦ кабельные линии на эстакадах по усиленным кабельным лоткам типа ЛЛПЦус, стойкам типа СТ, полкам типа П собственной разработки и изготовления;
  • ♦ винтовые сваи при строительстве фундаментов ВЛ-110, 220, 500 кВ;
  • ♦ воздушные ЛЭП 6-10, 35,110, 220 кВ с использованием стальных многогранных опор из гнутого листа;
  • ♦ блочные трансформаторные подстанции с ячейками RM-6, КРУ-10 фирм «Schneider Electric», «АBB», «Siemens»;
  • ♦ кабели ВОЛС в защитных ПВП трубках и магистральные оптико-волоконные cables systems SCADA e and ASDA SALT outer cable racks;
  • ♦ АСКУЭ и АСТУ;
  • ♦ термоусаживаемые муфты фирм «Raychem», «PRYSMIAN» on 110,220 kV;
  • ♦ светосигнальное и другое электрооборудование для аэропортов;
  • ♦ шинопроводы разного назначения; - микропроцессорные устройства.


JSC "Tatelektromontazh" performs the following commissioning:

  • ♦ наладку электрооборудования объектов электроснабжения 6 - 220 кВ (в т.ч тяговые подстанции метрополитена);
  • ♦ наладку силового оборудования, преобразовательной техники,технологических комплексов,термического оборудования;
  • ♦ сервисное обслуживание, ремонт, ревизию, регламентные измерения и профилактические испытания электрооборудования;
  • ♦ научно-технические услуги и исследования.


In the work on commissioning using new technologies:

  • automatic system "Shirla" and «VIOLA» for cables with XLPE insulation;
  • ♦ испытательные устройства РЕТОМ-11, 21, 51, 61 и ноутбуки для проверки микропроцессорных защит и автоматики;
  • ♦ производство измерений для определения электромагнитной совместимости на энергообъектах и оснащение измерительными комплексами;
  • ♦ измерения на волоконно-оптических линиях передачи рефлектометром с оптическим излучателем.


 The quality management system JSC "Tatelektromontazh" certified to meet the requirements of international standard ISO 9001:2008 certification system of Russian Register and IQNet.


Educational activities JSC "Tatelektromontazh" leads training center. For the year, it received additional education, increase the skills of over 200 employees for the following educational programs:


  • ♦ электромонтажник по вторичным цепям, по осветительным сетям, по распределительным устройствам, по силовым сетям и электрооборудованию;
  • ♦ электромонтер-линейщик по монтажу воздушных линий высокого напряжения и контактной сети;
  • ♦ подготовка электромонтажников по курсу «монтаж соединительных и концевых муфт на кабелях напряжением 1-10 кВ»;
  • ♦ подготовка электромонтажников по курсу «Оператор порохового монтажного инструмента».


 Tatelektromontazh the Association roselektromontazh is working on the development and production of normative-technical documentation. Today released:

  • 10 instructions
  • 30 routings for all types of electrical work,
  • ♦ 20 технических циркуляров,
  • ♦ 9 типовых альбомов.



We will be in touch

Russia, Republic Of Tatarstan
Jur.Address:420132, Kazan, Adoratskogo street, house 50, office 201

Fact.Address:420132, Kazan, Adoratskogo str., 50A
Postal address:420132, Kazan. and,I 27


(843) 237-70-03
Management of logistics:
(843) 522-65-00, 522-64-48

Property management:
8-843-204-01-83 ( EXT. 72, 73)

Учебный центр: (843) 522-63-12