Meeting of specialists of JSC "TOTEM"....




In the framework of production cooperation in December 2019 in g. FR.e meeting of specialists of JSC "TOTEM" with  representatives "Vyksinsky metallurgical plant". The plant invited the object «СTanziI Moscow meteropolitan "Nizhny Novgorod street" and showed the implementation electrical works in the premises of the station and tunnels. 

We will be in touch

Russia, Republic Of Tatarstan
Jur.Address:420132, Kazan, Adoratskogo street, house 50, office 201

Fact.Address:420132, Kazan, Adoratskogo str., 50A
Postal address:420132, Kazan. and,I 27


(843) 237-70-03
Management of logistics:
(843) 522-65-00, 522-64-48

Property management:
8-843-204-01-83 ( EXT. 72, 73)

Учебный центр: (843) 522-63-12